Papers describing RobotReviewer and the methods we've developed to power it.

Marshall, Iain J., Anna Noel-Storr, Joël Kuiper, James Thomas, and Byron C. Wallace. 2018. Machine Learning for Identifying Randomized Controlled Trials: An Evaluation and Practitioner’s Guide. Research Synthesis Methods, January.

Byron C. Wallace, Joël Kuiper, Aakash Sharma, Mingxi (Brian) Zhu and Iain J. Marshall. Extracting PICO Sentences from Clinical Trial Reports using Supervised Distant SupervisionJournal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR). Forthcoming, 2016. PREPRINT.

Zhiguo Yu, Elmer Bernstam, Trevor Cohen, Byron C. Wallace and Todd R. Johnson. Improving the Utility of MeSH terms Using the TopicalMeSH Representation. Journal of Biomedical Informatics (JBI), 2016. 

Ye Zhang, Iain J. Marshall and Byron C. Wallace. Rationale-Augmented Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Classification. arXiv, 2016. PREPRINT.  

Iain J. Marshall, Joël Kuiper and Byron C. Wallace. RobotReviewer: Evaluation of a System for Automatically Assessing Bias in Clinical Trials. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA), 23 (1): 193-201. 2016

Iain J. Marshall, Joël Kuiper and Byron C. Wallace. Automating Risk of Bias Assessment for Clinical TrialsJournal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (JBHI), 19(4); 1406-1412. 2015. An invited journal version of our 2014 ACM-BCB paper with the same title.

Iain J. Marshall, Joël Kuiper and Byron C. Wallace. Automating Risk of Bias Assessment for Clinical TrialsACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics, 2014. 

Joël Kuiper, Iain J. Marshall, Byron C. Wallace and Morris Swertz. Spá: a web-based viewer for text mining in Evidence Based Medicine. The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD).